

Thursday, April 23, 2009

WhAt ThE HeLL!!

We were supposed to close on our house last night!!
Yeah that didn't happen!!
I'm so frustrated!!
My house is 100% packed up & ready to go!!
(well except my computer, i have to have it for work!)
Now i'm just sitting around waiting for them
to call us to close!
We are hoping it's today & soon!
Or we wont get our keys until monday cause
everything has to fund before they give
us the keys! Uhhhh!
we have everything set up and ready to
be installed on friday!
So if we don't i have to call a million people and
reschedule EVERYTHING!!!
If it's not today i will not be a very happy girl if
I have to wait until monday!


Anonymous said...

I am sorry sweety! I would hate that too!! It will happen soon though.

Linds Forrest said...

What the crap, that sucks!! I am so sorry.. I hope everything worked out! I would be SO pissed

Ashlee said...

What a pain.. I'm so sorry! Hopefully it all happens soon

The Goffs said...

Oh I am so excited for you guys to be getting a house! Where abouts are you at?? I saw your Pre-School post... did you end up finding one? Ya, I wouldn't drive that far either. FUN! I can't beleive how big your girls are! SO DANG CUTE!