

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

At two in the morning this is what my girls look like...

So I went to go check on the girls
last night after i got done working..
and this is what I found,
Leina made her way over to Jerzi's bed
Well lets say the end of her bed!
I don't know about anyone elses little ones,
but mine don't sleep straight in there beds. EVER!!
Jerz always sleeps like a stink bug,
ever since she was a baby!
They always look so comfortable though!


Ashlee said...

That's so sweet!

Aly said...

That is so cute that they are sleeping together! I love them. Their room looks darling!!

LeAnn said...

That is so cute!

Anonymous said...

they are adorable. My question is..why were you up at two in the morning?

Allie said...

I am so amazed at how cute your house is! And you just moved in! Thanks for letting us come visit tongiht. It wa fun! Your girls are so cute!

Wendy B. said...

Hillarious!! I love it!