

Friday, July 10, 2009

I'm a big girl now!!

The Diaper Fairy came to our house this week,
and took all Leina's diapers away!!
So our Miss Leina is now Potty Trained!!
We are so proud of you cute girl!


Anonymous said...

Yeah for her! I wish that trick would work for Brendan, but he just goes in his underwear, he just doesnt care! (Its very frustrating)

Linds Forrest said...

Wahoo! That's awesome! Congrats to her and you!

The Nye's said...

That is so wonderful! What a happy day! We hope Brooklyn will follow soon. Good Job Leina!!!

Ashlee said...

That's always so nice.. what do you do at night? Makella has been potty trained for awhile but she still isnt at night and I can't figure out how to fix that!

Aly said...

That is so awesome! Congratulations Leina and Stac!

The Hiatt's said...


Tony and Erica said...

send the fairy this way! Duncan knows and always tells us he's going but still refuses to use the potty. even the little one grandma bought!