

Sunday, July 19, 2009


what a week it has been!
Not fun!!!
Lets hope this week is much much better!
sorry this is just so boring and random!


Aly said...

Stacie, Just know that we love you girl!!

Anonymous said...

What happened hun?! I hope you are alright!

Linds Forrest said...

Hope all is well!! And please... life is random, boring, and stressful.. release if you need to! Hope this week is a good one for you

Allie said...

Everything ok? Hope so! Can I come visit you on Sunday? Let me know!

The Hiatt's said...

whats going on!?.... hope it gets better.

Wendy B. said...

Stacie, I hope this week's going better. I still want to get together with the kiddos. I'll call you.
