

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Guess what?!!!!!!!!

We are having a baby!!!
We are so excited!!!!!
I'm thinking I'm due sometime in april,
we dont know yet,
we go in on the 24th of this month to find ou!!


The Gray Fam said...

Oh my gosh hun! That is so exciting! I am soooo happy for you and can't wait to find out what you guys are having!!

Linds Forrest said...

CONGRATS!!!! That is SO AWESOME!!! I bet you are such a cute pregnant lady!

Ashlee said...

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAhhhhhhhhh: Congrats! I am so excited for you guys! Girls are the best... but hopefully you guys get a little boy :)

Aly said...

Can't wait for baby # 3! I am so excited for you guys!

LeAnn said...

Congrats! That is so exciting! You guys have a lot of big things happening lately a new house and now a new baby, does it get better than that!

Elizabeth said...

Congrats Stacie!

Miss Lisa, Mom,or Nana as my bitty bums call me said...

Oh my sweet Stacie
Im soso excited for this new bitty one love you much

The Hiatt's said...


Tony and Erica said...

FUN!! Now you have a house you gotta keep fillin it up :) Congrats to you all! How exciting

Anonymous said...

Congrats Stacie! You have such a cute family!