

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

pLaYiN In ThE SnOw!!

Ileina, Kyle & Jerzi
A few weeks ago when it snowed
the kids went outside to
play in it and had a blast!!
I didn't get any of them outside,
but they loved it!!!
They are too cute!!


Allie said...

Cute kids! Jade played outside too! She loved it-for the 2 min she was out! ;) Hey- Did you get my message? I am coming to visit you on Sunday (if you'll be there) I feel like I haven't seen you for so long!

Perschon Family said...

so your link on my blog hasn't worked for forever so i'm so glad you commented on mine so i had a link to check on yours (did that make sense?) first of all, CONGRATS! I'm WAY behind! That is so exciting you are having a baby...and soon! You look amazing! And your girls are as beautiful as ever!!! Glad to see you're doing good and your fireplace looks awesome! I'm sure you LOVE your house!!! Fun to get caught up on what you're up to!