

Monday, August 22, 2011

The Duck Pond

 Leina feeding the duckies
 Daddy, Oakli & Leina
 Jerzi , Daddy & Oak
 The girls and daddy feeding the duckies
Mommy and the girls

We took the girls to the duck pond tonight, we had so much fun! The girls have never fed ducks before and were so excited! Well mommy forgot that when you feed one duck the whole pond of ducks comes over too! We were laughing so hard when all the ducks were coming begging for more food! Adventually all the ducks were getting right next to you and chasing you! The girls were screaming "help me! They're coming!" Well they kept feeding the ducks so they kept coming!Paul put Oak down thinking she would be scared and not get too close to them, well she wasnt scared at all! He had to hurry and pick her up or she probably would have pet one! It was so mcuh fun! Im so glad the girls got to feed the ducks and we had a fun night as a family! I love my family to much!