

Friday, December 16, 2011

The Dickens Festival....

 The girls and there Papa
wendy, evan & Austin came!
 Leina is on the far left
Jerzi is on the far left in this pic.
The Girls got  to dance at the Dickens festival this weekend and they did so awesome!Leina did great dancing, we were so proud of her! I didnt think she was going to dance, she was having a hard time and really nervous. So i told her if she danced for us she could have cotton candy! She was so excited and danced amazing, she had a huge smile of her face the entire time! Jerz did even more amazing than the last time! she is so good! She remebered everything and siled and laughed with her friends!They both got there own bags of cotton candy after the recital for doing so good! We are so proud of our cute girls! These times are so much fun! I cant wait until the next recital!