

Thursday, March 1, 2012

I cant get enough of these beautiful girls of mine!

Jerzi girl is growing up way too fast on me! She loves to be with her friends! She loves to do crafts and be mommys little helper, well my big helper! Lately she been getting Oak her baba's and LOVES it!! I cant wait for her to be off track and spend more time with herr, I feel like I dont get to see her enough ever since she started 1st grade!

Leina baby is such busy little girl! She loves gum and dressing up ALL the time! She loves to wear makeup and She is always singing at the top of her lungs and puttingon shows for all of us! She is soo tendar hearted and loving! She cant wait to start kindergarten next year!

Miss Oakli is such a busy body! This baby loves her baba's way too much! Her favorite thing to eat is fruit snacks, tomatoes and any kind of fruit! She loves to snuggle with tacoma and loves to wear boots ALL the time!! She loves chap stick and lip gloss and will try to get into any ones purse to find it!

I am so lucky to be the mommy of  these 3 sweet little girls! They are so much fun and make me a better person!I love watching them grow and learn new things each and everyday! The bring such a big smile to my face! I love them more and more each day!!