

Monday, August 24, 2009

Jerzi's first day of preschool!!!

My favorite one of her!
Hooray!!!! School!

Holy crap this little girls was
so dang cute this morning!
It was her official 1st day of school!
(she started a week ago but was sick)
She was so excited this morning!
She had her back pack on 30
minutes before we had to actually go!
Oh and of course she had to take lots or
pictures with her posing in them!
Leina had to be in some of them too!
Here are a few of them!
We love you Jerzi girl!
Your growing up way to fast!


LeAnn said...

She is so cute!

Aly said...

She is so darling! Love all the pictures!

Linds Forrest said...

How cute is she!! Love this first photo of her. I can't believe you have a pre-schooler! Craziness

The Hiatt's said...

she is so big!