

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

We went to the Doctor &...

We found out yesterday that i'm
8weeks pregnant and due April 3rd!
Oh and yes only 1 baby! We are so excited!
They did an ultra sound and we got got to
see it's little heart beat, which is always a
relief to me, I'm a worry wort!
The girls didn't really understand what they were
looking at, but still liked it.
They did see Placental Bleeding,
that usually just goes aways and is
very commom in pregnancy's.
The doctor said just to take it easy and
let him know if things like cramping and spotting
get any worse.
It made me a little nervouse but
i will for sure be taking it easy!
We do a 3d ultra sound in ten weeks!
Which means only ten weeks until we find out what it is!


The Hiatt's said...

that is awesome!!! congrats!!!

LeAnn said...

That is so exciting! Hopefully the next 10 weeks will go by quickly.

Linds Forrest said...

What a fun month to have a baby in!! Congrats!!

Tony and Erica said...

Congrats guys!!